

Determining which way to go is the thrilling part and the frightening part, all rolled into one. ATLAS ARCHITECTURE will guide you through the process, amplify your dreams, and make it fun along the way. The DREAM phase of the project will encompass the Programming, Concept, and Schematic Design portions. This is where we will discuss building styles, aesthetic preferences, room types and quantities, all those saved photographs and plans you have, and how you intend to live your life in your new home. It will also be important to review any parameters provided by a homeowners association or any development regulations for a particular site you have in mind. We will create floor plans and 3D renderings to help you visualize the concept. We will then create a Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost to help determine if your established budget is in alignment with the concept being developed. Once the style, walls, doors, and cost is agreed upon, we will move to the DESIGN phase.


Success is in the sum of the details. The DESIGN phase is where we will talk details. The phase will encompass Design Development and Construction Documents. Depending on your engagement with ATLAS ARCHITECTURE, we will create and review exterior details, cabinetry details, fixtures and finishes, and lighting design. Once the details are agreed, Construction Documents will be created to allow for permit, bidding, and construction to occur. These will be stamped and signed by Matthew D. Bode AIA (American Institute of Architects), and will also need to be reviewed and stamped by a licensed structural engineer per the Florida Regulations.


Now, it is time to DELIVER. This phase will encompass Permitting, Bidding, and Construction Administration. These are all optional services, but are highly recommended if you are not experienced in the construction trade. We will help you navigate the complex Permitting and Bidding phases by reviewing potential Contractors’ estimates, reviewing unique Permitting requirements, and assisting you to get the project ready to start construction. After the construction contract is established, then Construction Administration is the process of the Architect representing the interests of the Owner during Construction. This allows for observation of building progress, comments regarding adherence to Construction Documents, and final review as the Contractor is completing the project.